Here in Camberland I've come up with a few Potato Salads. Here is but one of the fabulous dishes that await your palate!
Use one bag or two of Baby Dutch Yellow potatoes cooked for 15 minutes with a generous pour of Garlic Oil into the pot of water.
Now the secret weapon in this dish is as all ways Tzatziki Cucumber Dip used for the broad flavor it contributes, but it should be noted that this is used instead of any Mayo stuff. Us a whole container.
Get pre sliced black Olives use most of the can. But you must use your eyes and gut feeling to prepare any meal.
Now caramelized Onions by getting frying pan and using butter or a substitute melt the butter and a hand full of chopped onion. Until almost brown
A good shake or more of 21 Seasoning Salute. (It’s a must in every kitchen)
Now to mess with people cut up small fresh apples and slam them into the dish.
Salt and pepper. No kidding dude!