You want a fast and fabulous appetizer, well baby here you go!
Grab a FRENCH BAGUETTE $ 1.89 and cut it into small bite size. I suggest you cut the baguette in half down the center, and then cut into ¼ or 1/8 inch slices.
Tomato & Basil Hummus dip $1.99 spread this puppy from end to end.
Next Vegetable Brochette $ 2.99 use a fork to forgo some of the oil, but allowing to use most of it to add to your flavor. Fork on a good amount of the variety of ingredients contained in this well rounded Brochette.
Last sprinkle on Three-Cheese Blend (3 Cheese Blend) $ 3.79
Now put into oven just to melt cheese and now your family and friends will go WOW I LOVE IT.