This crazy sandwich must not be missed. I thought I was out of my mind as I was creating it, but I was in my right mind. This is however a time dated rush. Pumpkin Butter is seasonal and it makes this meal the one that you've never had before and will be glad you did.
Take your Zucchini Squash and cut it in to 1/4 slices about five or six per serving. Sit on side until your ready to put on sandwich
Get your Whole Wheat Bread and lather it with Pumpkin Butter
Then Grab Sliced Lite Swiss Cheese and put on large cut piece onto our bread.
Now put you 5-6 Zucchini Squash on covering the most of our sliced bread
Now sprinkle you 21 Season Salute and your Cinnamon onto your food
Now grab your fresh Sprouts and make a blanket over the piece with all your goodies on it.
Now put our sandwich together and put into over broiler or Toaster oven for just a couple of minutes to melt the cheese.
Now enjoy the taste of the season.