This meal takes only minutes to create it's simple and by god it taste great for lunch or dinner!
Cooked Medium Shrimp, however these shrimp are small, so if you want to go big use LARGE ones ( shrimp found in the frozen section)
Kansas City Style Barbecue Sauce
Tortellini With Mushroom filling
Mini Garden tomatoes
Olive Oil
In this dish I used frozen Dorot Crushed GarlicPut in some near 2-3 per serving.
Get a large frying pan and pour you package of cooked Medium Shrimp
Take your bottle of Kansas city Barbecue Sauce and pour generously. Turn you fire on low. Your shrimp are Pre cooked so what we're doing is defrosting the shrimp while allowing the little darlings to soak up the flavor of the BBQ Sauce and warming both these puppies up at the same time.
Now while that cook's or more accurately warms up take a pot and boil water with salt and olive oil. Once boiling pour in the amount of pasta to meet your needs. Boil as instructed on package.
While your items are on stove top begin to cut your Mini Garden tomatoes and cut each one in half so you'll have at least 8-10 full and now cut tomatoes in each serving. These are not cooked. They will be placed on top of the dish once were done with the rest.
Once your pasta is done and your shrimp and BBQ sauce are hot (the sauce will be runny since the water from the shrimp as helped to mellow out the thickness) take your pasta filled with muchrooms and dump into a big beautiful ceramic bowl. Next take your hot BBQ sauce and shrimp and pour every last drop on top of your pasta use every drop of the BBQ sauce to flow over all the pasta. Toss well and gentle so not to bruise you pasta.
Now it's ready to serve.
Place onto plate or pasta bowl and add your fresh tomato.
You may of course add cheese but frankly you don't have to. It's stands on it's own.
Walla your ready to enjoy this BBQ treat