Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fabulous #Vegan #Hamburger with Mash Potato's and Rice

Fabulous Vegan Hamburger Idea

If you have a hankering for a hamburger, with the comfort of mash potato and a side of rice, I say go-for-it!

Here is how I brought it all together:
The Burger #Dr. Praeger's 
Image result for dr praeger california veggie burger
A teaspoon of coconut oil in a frying pan and cook frozen burger for 7-10 minutes while flipping till browned and yummy.
Next the bun:

Image result for udi's hamburger bunsThen #Udis gluten free hamburger bread is great. Less filling and very good.

Load on your ketchup, mustard, romaine lettuce, tomato and pickles and don't forget the best part #Vegenaise

Image result for vegenaiseNow that you've got your hamburger all wiped up. Put your #vegan mash potato and hearty rise on the place and your ready for a lunch

If you like what you've seen and read or have a question leave a comment and I'll get back to you.
happy and healthy,

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Look Younger and Feel Better With Apple Cider Vinegar

It was on a December 31st, my partner and I were invited to a fabulous party in West Hollywood. The home had been recently featured in Architectural Digest Magazine and the popular gay couple hosting the party had invited us to spend the night. We were so excited.

The main house was buzzing all night with great people dressed to the impress, the food was served on silver platers and the cocktails flowed like a river of jubilance.

At the end of the night with the New Years celebration behind us, it was time for my beautiful boyfriend and I to head to the back house where we were spending the night.

When I laid down ready to fall fast asleep this burning sensation from deep in the center of my body began to burn. The burning shot up toward my throat. The pain was horrific and scary. I could feel all the stress from my months at work, which were wearing me down. I could feel all the stress of my financial affairs stirring in my stomach. "why now" I asked my self wanting to simple fall asleep. Here I was in someone's home and no way to grab a Tums product
Some how I survived the fire in my belly this night of hell and began my search for a way to heal my body from this monster who was ravaging my body,mind and sleep.

What I discovered to my amazement was Apple Cider Vinegar.
Not only did I solve my acid reflex which has forever been healed, but I found a fabulous way to life a more happy and healthy lifestyle. Here are just some of the health benefits of using this age old health medicine.

  • relieve sore throat, colds, and sinus infection
  • lower high cholesterol levels
  • help clear skin conditions and blemishes, like acne  and age spots
  • help eliminate toxins
  • prevent allergies
  • increase strength and improve stamina
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Improve metabolism which helps reducing weight
  • Promote digestion and help promote bowel movement
  • Relieve joint pain and stiffness
  • Treat bladder infection
  • Helps protect LDL cholesterol 
  • Has antibiotic properties which soothe the tummy. (no need for Tums). 
These are only a some of the way's this miracle concoction can help you to maintain a happy and healthy life. To read more visit MD for some additional uses and benefits

If you've enjoyed this post please comment to help me build my brand and reach more people.

Friday, February 13, 2015

#Green #Vegan #Smoothie

This dark green smoothie is a nutrient rich and dense. Just before I go for a 3.5 mile run and hit the stairs I want to fuel my body with something fabulous. Each day my delicious green smoothies are some what different. This was I aways have fun drinking it. If your always having fun you're more likely to keep doing this and make it a part of your routine.

here's todays recipe:

2 stalks of kale
1/2 banana
1 navel organe
a handful of blackberries
2 tbsp of raw flax seed
hand full frozen cut pineapple
filtered water to your liquid liking
shaved ice for refreshing gratification

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

#Vegan #Mash #Potato's

#Vegan #Mash #Potato's boil in water for about 17 minutes or less thay are easy and so fabulous!

Use gold potato because you can eat the whole food. No pealing needed.
Use Earthbalance Butter at least a table spoons or more depending on the amount of servings
Use Trader Joe's Soy Creamer. pour about 1/4 cup. However do it by eye to make sure you don't go over board.
Use sea salt and pepper to personal satisfaction.
Knock it up a notch with some fresh garlic. A glove or two.

Walla you've got a great side to your lunch or dinner menu