Eat Fabulous: Dinner No. One
Capellini and Tomato sauce made fabulous
As the sky grew dark and dinner was on my mind, I wanted something fast, easy and delicious. I had a hankering for Capellini and all the fixings for dinner.
So I grabbed some Capellini pasta, through it into a pot of water with olive oil and Spike seasoning.
Now for the topper, Italian Tomato Starter Sauce. But still I felt compelled to ad to this puppy. Opening my refrigerator I found a bottle of Corn And Chile Tomato-less Salsa. Perfect, I exclaimed to myself! I used about four tablespoons of this delicious combination of corn, red peppers, onion and a touch of heat. This combo sauce was fabulous. One last touch was needed, so I used four or five tablespoons of Meatless Ground by Yves. This is a good source of protein.
I took a couple of pieces of Rustic Country Sourdough and layered them with Earth Balance organic buttery spread (79% natural Vegetable Oils) toasted them and took a bread plate where I poured Olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar right into the middle of my oil puddle.
Walla Dinner was delicious
After dinner a beautiful walk around the neighborhood and I was ready to settle down for the evening and watch a fabulous movie.
End of story
Italian Tomato Starter Sauce
Corn And Chile
Meatless Ground
Spike Seasoning
Earth Balance spread
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Raw Green Smoothie
Well I got the first load of laundry on and the heater warming my home as I stand at the kitchen counter preparing to make the awesome Christmas raw smoothie… I need this baby to give me the steam to get going into my 30-minute yoga and five mile run along the Pacific Ocean.
Baby spinach
Arugula for spice
Banana for creamy finish
Water out of my Brita water filter
Now chew this baby as you drink it to get a good amount of saliva mixed in for good assimilation.
Yummy and ready for the world of Camber
Eat Fabulous, healing the world one mean at a time
Baby spinach
Arugula for spice
Banana for creamy finish
Water out of my Brita water filter
Now chew this baby as you drink it to get a good amount of saliva mixed in for good assimilation.
Yummy and ready for the world of Camber
Eat Fabulous, healing the world one mean at a time
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This morning Kenya could not keep her beak out of my green fabulous smoothie. Vibrant green with sprinkles of red dancing in my glass from the crisp apple. The creaminess is produced from the merging of one fantastic banana. An edge was garnered from a good palm full of parsley. My body, brain and spirit are stocked…..
Flax oil
Water: Brita chilled from the fridge.
This puppy is creamy sweet and delicious.
Eat fabulous, healing the world one mean at a time
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Famous Vegans: Thought of the day

"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men"
Leonardo Da Vinci
Visit Think fabulous for more information on food and numerology with Camber Hill
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Vegan Thought of The Day
Friday, November 27, 2009
Green Smoothie gone wild

Green Smoothie Gone Wild
I wake up bright and early on this fabulous day wondering what I might create in my kitchen. My body is in-love with my mind and my imagination. My body knows it’s feeling better than ever and it can’t wait to be feed something fantastic.
Pulling the lid off the Cuisinart blender and taking a looking over my fresh produce and vegetables, I allow my whimsical mind to drum up the smoothie for the day. In my kitchen anything is possible and something good all ways happens.
Grabbing a bunch of Mini Pearl Grape Tomatoes
A big handful of Arugula
Sliced a Cucumber
14.7867648 milliliters (Tablespoon) Flax Oil
Fresh Mango
Water and Ice
This is the Eat Fabulous drink of the day.
This concoction could well be a salad dressing. It had a taste of avocado to it. Totally bizarre, smooth and yummy.
Eat Fabulous, because it feels good
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Smoothie for Wednesday

To slim down you need to add nutrition to everyday life. That it! When you put something in your fabulous mouth ask before shoving the food in " is this food packed with properties that will make me more fabulous as it moves through me"? If you get a big yes, then start chewing. If you get a red flag in your mind...stop and put it down.
To day's smoothie was:
Blueberries (frozen)
If you were stuck in the fields working all day long and were treated terrible for years, you could do well by eating Kale in your everyday life. The Romans knew it, so why didn't I know it?
Well I do know now and now that plant is in my body. Yahoo.
Who loves you?
I do
Eat fabulous, because it feels good!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Morning cocktail

This day’s eat fabulous experience
Don’t throw the lemon in without first pealing it. To kick off my fabulous day my smoothie consisted of organic orange, banana, apple and lemon with peel….yuck----never again! Ad some water and ice cubes. Bingo, bongo life just got fabulous.
What’s new is understanding water is okay. I’d previously thought I needed a juice, such as orange juice, Dynamo plus calcium juice or something like these to liquefy the sucker. Nope… just good old fashion water along with these taste fruits.
Second whammy was lemon. Adding a lemon to this morning concoction was fabulous to say the least. The edge it brought to my get your butt going cocktail was a smart addition.
Throw all this into your ordinary blender and now you’ve begun to Eat Fabulous and your brain and body and spirit will do great things today.
Who loves you? Me dang it.
Think Fabulous
Friday, October 30, 2009

Health conscious people desire to get the most nutrition for the least amount of money but for many of us, knowing how to do that can be difficult. I have previously written several articles related to recession eating that outline some strategies you can use. Now, there may be a new tool to help.
A new tool called the Affordable Nutrition Index (ANI) evaluated over 300 foods to assess the nutritional profile compared to cost to create a nutrition-value-per-dollar score. The nutrition value score takes into consideration nine essential nutrients that we should be including in our diet. The key nutrients included are protein, fiber, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C and E. The score also takes into consideration three key nutrients that are important to limit in our diets, which are saturated fat, added sugars, and sodium. The ANI was introduced to Registered Dietitians at their Food and Nutrition Expo last week.
The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans were used as a guide for the ANI review and scoring which found that dark colored vegetables provided the best nutrition for the dollar with fruits and vegetable soup following behind as the most affordable nutritious foods. Some other key findings included:
* Carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli were not only top vegetables but also at the very top of the ANI scale for all foods.
* Oranges and bananas were the top scoring fruits. Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, grapes, nectarines, and apples also rated high as well.
* Peas, string beans, squash and lettuce are other top picks to get the most nutrition for your dollar whether cooked or fresh.
* Surprisingly, twenty-five Campbell's soups were evaluated with the ANI scale. Low sodium condensed vegetable soup varieties that are certified as heart-healthy by the American Heart Association were also top rating, cost-effective sources of nutrition.
It is unclear how this new ANI tool will be used in the future since it was just revealed. With the new updated Dietary Guidelines due in 2010 and a nation that is looking to eat well on a budget during tough times, I'm sure we will see more with this tool in the coming year.
Think fabulous because it feels good
Get these in your everyday life.

I recently saw a list of the 10 Healthiest Foods You've Never Tried. I pride myself on being an adventurous (mostly vegetarian) eater. When I saw the list, I was excited to see how many I'd eaten.
How many have you eaten?
I've eaten all 10. Numbers 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are regulars in my household.
Here's the list and a quick tip for eating each food!
1. Kiwi (just scoop it straight from the skin!)
2. Broccoli rabe (sauté with olive oil, garlic and lemon)
3. Brazil nuts (munch on a couple)
4. Edamame (steam in the pod and sprinkle with salt)
5. Red lentils (cook lentils, then substitute them for chickpeas in hummus)
6. Quinoa (use instead of brown rice)
7. Canned salmon (throw on salads or in pasta sauces)
8. Prawns (shrimp) (stir fry with vegetables and serve with brown rice)
9. Whole grain and multigrain pastas (swap these for all your white pasta)
10. Pomegranate (toss the seeds on salads or mix them with yogurt)
(For more information on how to cook these foods, and what nutritional benefits they offer, read the full story.)
Have you tried these foods? Will you? How do you eat them?
Think fabulous because it feels good.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Pina Colada Smoothie

This is a fabulous way to energies a day.
Pina Colada Smoothie
5 Tbs. coconut milk
2 1/2 pineapple juice
1/2cup vanilla ice cream
1/2cup frozen banana (chunks)
1 1/2cups frozen pineapple (chunks)
Pour all liquid ingredients into the smoothie maker. Add all frozen ingredients.
Blend at MIX setting for 30 seconds then blend at SMOOTH setting until smooth. While the machine is running, move the stir stick around counter-clockwise to aid mixing. Serve immediately. Makes 3-5 servings.
Think and Eat fabulous
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Become More Beautiful and Inteligent With Flaxseed
Begin your day I strongly recommend Flaxseed Meal. You will enjoy the huge benefits, which support you becoming more intelligent and more beautiful. After you open your bag of Bob’s Red Mill Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal, put it into the refrigerator for storing.
Put you Flaxseed meal in cold or hot breakfast meals, suck as cereal or oatmeal. Two teaspoons is just right. In the highlighted links you can learn more.
Get your Eat Fabulous hats or apron today.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Five Things To Avoid. Five Things To Indulge In.

The food you eat is killing you or giving you the best day of your life! What have you put into your mouth today?
Allow me to provide some guide lines to determine what your doing.
5 things to Say No to are:
1. High fructose, corn syrup
2. Sugar
3. Enriched Flour, as in white bread.
4. Trans Fats
5. Saturated Fats.
5 Things to Say Yes to are:
1. Antioxidants, such as tomato's, broccoli, Red Kidney beans
2. Omegas such as, fish, flazseed, walnuts, salmon, scallops, soy bean, squash.
3. Fiber, oat meal, beans, peas, rice, bran and even strawberries
4.Olive oil, at least a table spoon a day
5.Exercise, yoga, bike rides, jog, swim, dance, speed walking
Check in with us at
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Breaking news on RED MEAT

The Washington Post put the word out today. This study is the a major lab like study to confirm what great men and women have been wanting all us to know about our diet. So if your fat, sluggish, sick or just old and dieing. You can change your tomorrow as of to day.
Think Fabulous
Washington Post
March 24, 2009
As read in the Los Angeles Times
Washington — Eating red meat increases the chances of dying prematurely, according to a large federal study offering powerful new evidence that a diet that regularly includes steaks, burgers and pork chops is hazardous to your health.
The study of more than 500,000 middle-age and elderly Americans found that those who consumed the equivalent of about a small hamburger every day were more than 30% more likely to die during the 10 years they were followed, mostly from heart disease and cancer. Sausage, cold cuts and other processed meats increased the risk too.
Previous research had found a link between red meat and an increased risk of heart disease and cancer, particularly colorectal cancer, but the new study is the first large examination of the relationship between eating meat and overall mortality.
"The bottom line is, we found an association between red meat and processed meat and an increased risk of mortality," said Rashmi Sinha of the National Cancer Institute, who led the study published Monday in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
In contrast, routine consumption of fish, chicken, turkey and other poultry decreased the risk of death by a small amount, the study found.
Although pork often is promoted as "the other white meat," it is believed to increase the risk for cancer because of its iron content, Sinha said. It is often grouped with red meat in nutritional studies.
"This would be the Rolls-Royce of studies on this topic," said Barry Popkin, a professor of global nutrition at the University of North Carolina, who wrote an editorial accompanying the study. "This is a slam-dunk to say that, 'Yes, indeed, if people want to be healthy and live longer, consume less red and processed meat.' "
There are many explanations for how red meat might be unhealthy: Cooking red meat generates cancer-causing compounds; red meat is also high in saturated fat, which has been associated with breast and colorectal cancer; and meat is high in iron, which also is believed to promote cancer.
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