Green Smoothie Gone Wild
I wake up bright and early on this fabulous day wondering what I might create in my kitchen. My body is in-love with my mind and my imagination. My body knows it’s feeling better than ever and it can’t wait to be feed something fantastic.
Pulling the lid off the Cuisinart blender and taking a looking over my fresh produce and vegetables, I allow my whimsical mind to drum up the smoothie for the day. In my kitchen anything is possible and something good all ways happens.
Grabbing a bunch of Mini Pearl Grape Tomatoes
A big handful of Arugula
Sliced a Cucumber
14.7867648 milliliters (Tablespoon) Flax Oil
Fresh Mango
Water and Ice
This is the Eat Fabulous drink of the day.
This concoction could well be a salad dressing. It had a taste of avocado to it. Totally bizarre, smooth and yummy.
Eat Fabulous, because it feels good
That does sound like an interesting smoothie concoction. I'll have to try it!