This day’s eat fabulous experience
Don’t throw the lemon in without first pealing it. To kick off my fabulous day my smoothie consisted of organic orange, banana, apple and lemon with peel….yuck----never again! Ad some water and ice cubes. Bingo, bongo life just got fabulous.
What’s new is understanding water is okay. I’d previously thought I needed a juice, such as orange juice, Dynamo plus calcium juice or something like these to liquefy the sucker. Nope… just good old fashion water along with these taste fruits.
Second whammy was lemon. Adding a lemon to this morning concoction was fabulous to say the least. The edge it brought to my get your butt going cocktail was a smart addition.
Throw all this into your ordinary blender and now you’ve begun to Eat Fabulous and your brain and body and spirit will do great things today.
Who loves you? Me dang it.
Think Fabulous
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